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Please do not fill out these forms until you have had a consultation with the Millar Functional Medicine Doctor.
Copyright © 2016-2025 Millar Functional Medicine. All Rights Reserved.
Results vary from patient to patient and no guarantee is made for your treatment results, We all have limitations to reaching Optimal Health and Optimal Health goals including but not limited to physical, mental, emotional, chemical, DNA, cellular, diet, pre-existing conditions, disease processes, degeneration, and inflammation some of which your body will not be able to overcome. Millar Functional Medicine and it's Doctors will use their best efforts to help you reach your goal of Optimal Health.
The content of this site has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other GOVERNMENTAL agency. The State of Albama does regulate and license Doctors of Chiropractic and doctors of medicine. The State of Alabama does not license or regulate naturopathic doctors.
** The Free Consultation Meeting is just that. It's a 30 min meeting with the Doctor for you to tell us what's going on with you and for us to listen to you and see if we can help you. We charge a $30 scheduling fee for the free consultation. If you decide to become a patient, we give you credit for the $30. If you don't become a patient, we refund your $30 on the spot after the Free Consultation. If you don't show for your free consultation appointment you forfeit the $30. We have to this because we block 30 minutes in our schedule for your appointment; and, if you don't show up then others can not get in to see the doctor.
Other than the Free Consultation all otehr services at regular Fees.
Pictures and Videos on this website may not be Doctors, staff or patients of Millar Funcitonal medicine. and may be stock pictures or videos.
HUNTSVILLE CHIROPRACTIC AND NUTRITION CENTER, LLC. D/B/A Millar Functional Medicine. Dr Greg Millar, DC CPFM CCEP managing Member.
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